Monday, January 26, 2009

Schedule of Classes and Assignments


Jan. 21

Introduction: What is Neighborhood Narratives?
The history of the class, case studies. Where am I? New Brunswick. What I carry with me. The bag exercise. The archeology of everyday life. Create your blog. Daniel Spoerri – An Anecdoted Topography of Chance.
Assigned Reading: William J. Mitchell, Me ++, The Cyborg Self and the Networked City, Introduction, Ch. 1 & 2
Assignment: Map your week on a T-shirt.

Jan. 28

Introduction to place and space.
Introduction to Locative Media and Locative projects
Psychogeography: One Block Radius (GlowLab)
Web 2.0 – Flickr, Twitter, Facebook, Ning, Hipcast
Assigned reading: From Yi-Fu Tuan, Space and Place: the perspective of experience
Assignment: Psychogeography I: Imagine a resident of New Brunswick, collect artifacts, create collage

Feb. 4

Place and Space.
Presentation of Cross/Walks: Weaving Fabric Row; Murmur Toronto;
Assigned Reading: Foucault, Of Other Spaces.
Assignment: Psychogeography II: Find the imagined person and interview

Feb. 11

Place and Space: Review of themes
Review Foucault.
Discussion of Foucault’s ideas about hetertopias; the archeology of place and space.
Richard Long. Sculpture in the landscape, tagging.
Assignment: Photograph a Heterotopia and post to Flickr. Link Flickr to your blog.

Feb. 18

Embodiment. Walking.
Push/Pull and stabilization: outside (weather permitting)
Akitsugu Mayebashi, Sonic Interface
Assigned Reading: The Situationists
Assignment: In pairs, have one person lead you to a location where you took a photograph. Close your eyes and have your partner lead you around the place. Phone in the description of what you are feeling and experiencing to Hipcast.

Feb. 25

Embodiment. Urban Planning and Mapping.
Design, politics and economics.
The geoweb, Google Earth, new neighborhoods without proximity
Review Situationists + assignments
Assigned Reading: Chapter 1: Mapping Cyberspace
Assignment: Emotional Maps

March 4

Janet Cardiff

(Public Art. Kystof Wodizcko and “Public Address”. Public memorials, counter-memorials.)

Review Maps.
Assigned Reading: Mapping the Homonculus.
Mid-term Assignment: MyMap of your personal geography.

March 11

Mixed Reality and Locative Media.
Review: MyMaps.

A variety of Locative Arts projects will be presented including MilkProject.
Assigned Reading: Locative-Media Artists in the Contested Aware City; Views from Above: Locative Narrative and the Landscape

Mid-term Review

March 18

No Class; Spring Break

March 25

Janet Cardiff, Sophie Calle
Assigned Reading: Locative Arts
Assignment: Following

April 1

Public/Private II
Review Following.
Outline requirements for final projects. Discuss locations.
Assignment: On-line following and the idea of driving a project on the street from the web.

April 8

Blast Theory – Uncle Roy All Around You.
Class Map as interface for final projects.
Begin discussion of final projects.

April 15

Project Development
More Locative examples.

April 22

Final projects due. On-site presentations.

April 29

Final projects due. On-site presentations.

May 5 or 6

Reading Period: Class critique and wrap up.